The mediation process between the Management of the Georgian Railway and the Railway New Trade Union completed successfully

The mediation process between the Management of the Georgian Railway and the Railway New Trade Union completed successfully.

During the mediation process, the parties exchanged detailed information on the needs of the employees as well as the company’s opportunities. The parties have found a mutually acceptable solution and an agreement has been achieved.

As a result of an agreement with the management, the railway New Trade Union waived the right to strike and consequently no strike will take place.

Controversial issues are resolved.

Due to the high interest of the society, we would like to inform you that the following important issues have been agreed:


  1. The 10% increase announced by the salary management will start in December 2019.
  2. From October 2020 in connection with the Day of Railwayman, those employees whose salary don’t exceed 1250 GE, will additionally receive a monetary gift in the amount of 200 GEL, independently of the announced by the Management two-time premium.
  3. Since June 2021 annually, after publication of the audited financial results, the negotiations will be held for the purpose of a segment review of wages, taking into account the profitability of the company.