A meeting of the working group of the International Association "Trans-Caspian International Transport Route" was held in Tbilisi

On 21-22 October, in Tbilisi, Tbilisi Marriot Hotel, the next meeting of the Working Group on Development of International Association “Trans-Caspian International Transport Route” (ТМТМ) was held, the meeting hosted JSC “Georgian Railway”. Several important issues were discussed at the meeting. Discussions focused on adding new types of cargoes to the Middle Corridor and on unified, transparent tariff policy issues.
In the scope of the meeting it was decided to join the TIS-Container Terminal (Ukraine) and Baku Govsan International Trade Port (Azerbaijan ) Association TMTM. Also, in the scope of the event, an Agreement will be signed for the appointment of the partnership container feeder line and regular container feeder line traffic from port Constantsa to Batumi port.
Automated exchange of information between the ports of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan will increase the overall efficiency of shipment in the middle corridor and facilitate container shipments.
Working groups of experts from different countries also discussed the TMTM route tariff policy for 2020.
More than 60 representatives of railway administrations, ports and logistic companies from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey and Georgia participated in the meeting in Tbilisi.
At the end of the meeting of the” Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”, the relevant protocol was signed.